Armed robbery might seem like an unlikely risk, but it is a very real concern for venue operators. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2023 a robbery occurred on average 6 times each day, up 6% on the prior year. The impacts of an armed robbery event extend far beyond the physical loss of property.
Such incidents can severely damage your brand, diminish the public appeal of your venue, and compromise the safety and morale of your staff. Unlike more traditional risks like fire and flood, armed robbery often receives insufficient attention in terms of preparation and prevention.
At GSA Hospitality, we have seen this impact all too often while continually assisting clients with their ongoing Risk Management procedures.
The key to responding to such incident is following the “CODE A” steps:
Calm - Try to remain calm. Stay away from the personal space of the offender.
Obey - Obey instructions. Avoid making any sudden or unexpected movements. Always keep your hands in sight.
Description – Remember the following about the offender:
Evidence - Remember what is touched by the offender and do not touch it yourself.
Alarm - Activate the alarm and call the Police on Triple Zero (000) when it is safe.
For more information, connect with our specialist team:
Carlo Gentili
Executive General Manager - Broking & Strategy
Kelly Townley
Head of Queensland
Tim Wight
Head of Victoria