
Storage Contents Protection Documents

Here you can find up to date important documentation relating to this product

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GSA is pleased to offer a solution for Customers Insurance available to Self-Storage Facility operators from January 2024. Customer Insurance provides peace of mind to you and your customers through an insurance solution allowing your customerto protect their possessions whilst storing within your facility.


Important documents relating this offering

Click here to view GSA's Financial Services Guide (FSG)

Click here to view the current Target Market Determination (TMD) effective October 5th 2021

For coverage taken out prior to 9th November 2023 - Click here to view the Customer Insurance Application form and Product Disclosure Statement effective October 5th 2021

For coverage taken out from 9th November 2023 onwards - Click here to view the Contents Protection Insurance Benefits Product Disclosure Statement - November 2023

Click here toview a blank copy of the RG275 AISC Information Sheet

*note the storagefacility you are dealing with will be able to provide you with this form.


Click here to view Duty of Disclosure notice

Privacy Policy - You can view our Privacy Policy here

You can contact GSA to discuss any of the above documents via the below contact details:

Phone: 02 8274 8100



You can view historical TMDs here:

  • There are currently no prior TMDs to display

For more information, please contact:

We're a new breed of Insurance Broker, who think insurance should do more than just cover you for loss.

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