
The Hidden Dangers of Lithium-Ion Battery Charging

As a hospitality venue owner and operator, it’s very common to offer accommodation within the venue. Consequently, there is a tendency to overlook the potential hazards lurking in something as common as charging lithium-ion batteries for phones, laptops, or e-bikes. However, these batteries pose a significant fire risk when not handled or managed correctly.


Did you know?
  • Overcharging, using incompatible chargers, or charging in unventilated areas can lead to overheating and fires.
  • Even small devices if left charging unattended for long periods can ignite, endangering lives and property.

In Australia more than 450 fires have been linked to lithium-ion batteries over the past 18 months, according to data provided by state fire departments. WA alone recorded 81 lithium-ion related fires in the last year compared to 21 in 2018, NSW recorded 180, 120 in VIC and 72 in QLD.

Key Tips to Keep Your Hospitality Venue Safe:

  1. Create charging guidelines for staff and guests – no overnight or unsupervised charging.
  2. Inspect all accommodation areas on a regular basis to ensure you are across the known exposures held.
  3. Invest in surge-protecting power outlets to minimize the risk of electrical overload.
  4. Educate your team on identifying early warning signs of battery malfunction (swelling, unusual heat).
  5. Install smoke detectors in areas where charging happens regularly, and ensure extinguishers are easily accessible.
  6. Encourage responsible usage of personal devices and restrict high-risk activities like e-bike charging where accommodation is offered.

Ensure your venue stays safe. Download a copy of GSA Hospitality's Lithium-Ion Batteries Checklist here:


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